Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide Page 9-15
Internet Services
Scanning with Internet Services
This section explains the components, functions and
procedures for Network Scanning or Scan to File. Refer to the
Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 System
Administration Guide, Chapter 6 of this User Guide and the
CentreWare documentation for more information.
Public and Private Repositories
Repositories are directories or filing destinations set up on a
server where files and saved documents created by scanning
are held. Documents can be scanned to either a public or
private repository.
Public repositories are validated by Internet Services when
defined by the System Administrator as a scanning destination.
These repositories are set up on the Properties, Services,
Stored Templates, Repository Setup page. The application
checks for the existence of the scanning username, password
and path. Up to five public repositories (1 default and 4
additional) can be defined. After the repositories are set up,
they are available to users as choices when modifying
Private repositories are not validated by Internet Services and
therefore, when defining private repositories, the directory
specified must exist on the file server or local drive. Private
repositories are specific to a particular template and can be
defined by administrators on the Properties, Services, Stored
Templates, Default Template page or by users on the Services,
Stored Templates page. When a template containing a private
repository is selected by the user, the correct user name and
password to access that filing location must be entered at the
Document Centre.