Page 9-2 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Standard Features - Internet Services
By entering the IP Address of the DC440/432/430/426/425/
420 as the URL (Universal Resource Locator) in the Browser,
direct access to the DC440/432/430/426/425/420 is available.
NOTE: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.x or later, or
Netscape Navigator 4.x or later, should be used. Other
browsers may work, but could produce unexpected results.
When accessed, the Home Page for the Web UI displays with
the following options:
¾ Services
¾ Queue
¾ Status
¾ Properties
¾ Maintenance
¾ Assistance
Interface Options
The following table describes the various programming options
available when using Internet Services:
Function Action
Pages Displays the available features.
Frames Normally a left or right frame. The left frame
contains the Document Centre status
information. On some pages, information in
the left frame is shown in a tree or directory/
folder format. Selecting an icon or name will
expand the tree and/or display further informa-
tion in the right frame.
Feature pages Divided into a left and right frame.