Xerox 4500 PS TR
3. Configuration
This chapter describes how the PrintServer may be subject to a more
advanced configuration using the supported setup facilities (see below).
However, with a minimum configuration of the selected protocol, the
PrintServer is ready for operation. For details on operation based on default
settings, see below.
3.1 Introduction to configuration
When installing your PrintServer, first of all you must configure the
protocol needed in order for the system to be able to communicate with
your PrintServer.
Thus, you should ensure that the protocol you want to use for printing
has been enabled on the PrintServer. For example, if you wish to print
from Novell you need to enable the IPX/SPX protocol and configure it and
if you need to print SNA print from a host, you should enable the SNA
(PU/LU) protocol and configure it. These two protocols are not enabled by
default in the product. This configuration is carried out in PSinst32 or
using one of the following tools:
⇒ Web Browser
⇒ Telnet
⇒ Configuration file
⇒ BOOTP server
See the section on “Minimum Configuration” for more details on minimum
setup via each tool.
When you are sure that you have configured the PrintServer according to
your specific needs (see this chapter: chapter 3), you will have to make
the needed definition on the system in order to be able to send print to
the PrintServer. For this you proceed to the chapters 4-17.