Scanning from TWAIN and WIA
User’s Guide
Moiré radius—you can set the size of the area to be evaluated in the Moiré radius field. Adjusting the radius will
produce different results for the various types of items that can be scanned. With this feature, you may have to
test scan a few times, adjusting the Moiré radius as needed, until you obtain the best results for the type of paper
in your scan job. Note that the higher the number is in the Moiré radius field, the longer it will take the driver to
evaluate the image.
Smooth Background
Automatically detect the background color of the scanned item, eliminate minor variations, and make it a solid
color in the image. For example, when scanning a blue page the color will be represented in the final scan with
varying RGB values representing blue. These varying RGB values occur due to imperfections in the paper being
scanned. With Smooth background turned on, the pixels representing the page color are changed to an average
value of the colors detected.
Remove Background
Automatically detect the background color of the scanned item and set it to white in the image.
Color scan Color scan with Smooth background
Gray scan Gray scan with Smooth background
Color scan Color scan with Remove background