10-4 Glossary
Broadcast Address
The Broadcast Address, in combination with the
Subnet Mask, identifies other hosts on the subnet to
which the host will send broadcast messages.
Bus Topology
A network topology in which nodes are connected
to a single cable with terminators at each end.
A network node that requests network services
from a server, usually the workstation or PC.
Coaxial cable
Data transmission medium with a single-wire
conductor insulated EMI/RFI (Electromagnetic
Interference/Radio Frequency Interference).
An acronym for Central Processing Unit. A
personal computer's primary microprocessor chip.
An acronym for Carrier Sense Multiple Access
With Collision Avoidance. Network access method
using contention similar to CSMA/CD used by
LocalTalk networks. Unlike CSMA/CD, in this
method the sending node requests permission to
send from the intended receiving node. If the
receiving node responds with a clear to send signal,
transmission begins.
An acronym for Carrier Sense Multiple Access/
Collision Detection. Network access method in
which nodes contend for the right to send data. If
two or more nodes attempt to transmit at the same
time, they abort their transmission until a random
period of microseconds has transpired and will then
attempt to resend.
A standardized connector with 9 pins for Token
Ring and serial connections.
Device Discovery
The term used for remote client applications
detecting devices on the network. See Manual
Discovery and Automatic Discovery.