XEROX Trade Name: ECP-Magenta Toner Premix/Concentrate for ECP 42 MSDS No.: A-2006A
Section IV - Physical Data
Appearance/Odor: Magenta liquid /slight odor Softening Range: N.A.
Boiling Point: 160 -180
C Melting Point: N.A.
Solubility in Water: Immiscible Specific Gravity (H
O=1): 0.77
Evaporation Rate: 0.3, (n-Butylacetate = 1) Vapor Pressure @20
C (mm Hg): 1
Vapor Density (Air=1): 5.0 pH: N.A.
Volatile: ~100% (Wt.) N.A. % (Vol.) Volatile Organics: 660- 730 g/l
Section V - Fire and Explosion Data
Flash Point (Method Used): 102
F (39-42
C) T.C.C.
Flammable Limits LEL: 0.8%, UEL: 7.0%
NFPA 704: Health - 1, Fire - 2, Reactivity - 1
Extinguishing Media: Foam, dry chemical, CO
, water fog.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Use air-supplied breathing equipment for enclosed areas. Cool exposed containers with water
spray. Avoid breathing vapor or fumes.
Fire and Explosion Hazards: Do not mix or store with strong oxidants like liquid chlorine or concentrated oxygen.
Section VI -Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable
Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Fumes, smoke and carbon monoxide in the case of incomplete combustion.
Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Strong oxidants such as liquid chlorine, concentrated oxygen, sodium/calcium hypochlorite.
Section VII - Special Protection Information
Respiratory Protection: None when used as intended with Xerox Engineering Systems products.
Eye Protection: None when used as intended with Xerox Engineering Systems products.
Protective Gloves: Neoprene or nitrile gloves for prolonged or repeated skin contact.
Other: None when used as intended with Xerox Engineering Systems products.
Section VIII - Special Precautions
Handling and Storage: Keep container closed. Avoid handling near heat, strong light, sparks, oxygen flames, strong oxidants.
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.
Section IX- Spill, Leak, and Disposal Procedures
For Spills or Leakage: Remove ignition sources. Recover free liquid using an absorbent material (vermiculite, fire
retardant, sawdust, etc.).
Waste Disposal Method: The waste toner may be classified as an ignitable hazardous waste under federal and/or state
regulations and should be disposed at an approved disposal site or facility in accordance with federal,
state, and local regulations.
Section X - Transportation Information
Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID # Packing Group Exceptions may apply
D.O.T Combustible liquid, n.o.s. Combustible NA 1993 III Reclassification: 49CFR 173.150 (f) (2) *
(Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon) liquid
I.A.T.A Flammable liquid, n.o.s.
3 UN 1993 III Y309.
(Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon)
I.M.O Flammable liquid, n.o.s.
3 UN 1993 III 3.4 Limited Quantities
(Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon)
*Note: This product has been reclassified as a combustible liquid under DOT when shipped domestically by land only. This product is not regulated by DOT when
shipped in non-bulk quantities of less than 119 gallons. This product is exempt from the Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations (section 1.33), when
transported in containers less than 450 liters and not by air.