5-2 Color Management Guide
A third possibility should be tested if the first two are not the
cause of the imaging problem: a source color mismatch may
exist between the queue and the job’s input color space. For
example, if the intent of the job is to render a CMYK document
which was originally designed for a SWOP™ press, you need to
select “SWOP™ Coated CMYK” as the source CMYK color
space. If FOGRA Gloss is selected in Job Properties and
SWOP™ CMYK is selected in Queue Properties a mismatch
Things to remember
In closing out this chapter, we wanted to provide you with a short
list of things to remember:
• Color Adjustments are performed in PCS (XYZ), thus always
invoking the ICC path.
• Calibration and User TRCs are applied in hardware. They do
not affect RIP performance or color pathway.
• The Xerox Enhanced Path always provides improved RIP
performance and better image quality.
• Using pre-installed profiles and Look Up Tables is sufficient
for most customer jobs and most stock.
• Building and utilizing profiles will always invoke the ICC path.
• When using untagged files, make sure the appropriate
source RGB or CMYK space is selected on the queue or job.
• If there is a mismatch between the Source CMYK and the
Destination Emulation, the results will be unpredictable.
• Most PDF files have the Relative Colorimetric intent specified
in the file. If you want to change the rendering, a queue or job
override must be selected.