6 Security Guide
Table 2-3 “INIT” tab RC2 section
Secure Network
Secure Sendmail Force sendmail to only handle outgoing mail. No incoming mail will be
handled by sendmail.
Security Warning
Enable security warning banners to be displayed when a user logins
or telnets into the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server. The warning message
explains that only authorized users should be using the system and
that any others face the possibility of being monitored by law
enforcement officials.
System Service Description
RC2 Service Description
S40LLC2 Class II logical link control driver
S47ASPPP Asynchronous PPP link manager. This service is re-enabled via
enable-remote-diagnostics command.
S70UUCP UUCP server
S71LDAP.CLIENT LDAP daemon to cache server and client information for NIS lookups.
S72AUTOINSTALL Script executed during stub JumpStart or AUTOINSTALL JumpStart
S72SLPD Service Location Protocol daemon
S73cachefs.daemon Starts cachefs file systems
S73NFS.CLIENT NFS client service. Disables the statd service which is only required if
your system is an NFS server or a client.
S74AUTOFS The automountd service is only required if your system uses NFS to
automatically mount file systems. Stopping the autofs subsystem will
kill the running automountd daemon and unmount any autofs file
systems currently mounted.
S80SPC SunSoft Print Client daemon
S88SENDMAIL The sendmail daemon is used to send mail over the internet. If
sendmail is not required, it can be disabled.
S89bdconfig Solaris serial device.
S90WBEM CIM Boot Manager. Disables WBEM clients from accessing the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server.
S93cacheos.finish Starts cachefs file systems.
S95ncad Solaris network cache and accelerator.