WC7328/35/45: Logon
Network Accounting:
To access machine features:
1. With the All Services screen displayed, select the
required feature (such as Copy, Fax, Scan to File, or E-
mail). The Accounting Login screen will be displayed.
2. Enter your User ID = Blue Valley ID minus the
leading zeros, then select [Next]. A prompt will be
displayed for your Account ID .
3. Enter your Account ID,= default Clicks Quick Key based
on copier location. You will only need to enter your
Clicks Quick Key when using a
machine in another building. Select [Enter]
The initial screen for the feature will be
*NOTE: You will only need to enter your
ClicksQuickKey when using a machine at a different
To logout of Network Accounting:
1. Press the [Log In / Out] button on the Control Panel. An
"Are you sure you want to logout? Session will end and
all settings will return to default" message will be
2. Select the required logout option on the Touch Screen:
Change Accounts, Cancel, and Logout.
Network Authentication (required for scanning):
To access scanning features:
1. With the Login screen displayed, enter your network
user ID in the User ID field and then select the [Next]
button on the Touch Screen. The Password screen will
be displayed.
2. Enter the password in the Password field and then
select the [Enter] button. When the user has been
verified with the Network Authentication server, the
Copy screen will be displayed.
3. If necessary, select the [All Services] icon and then
select the required feature (such as Copy, Fax, Scan to
File, or E-mail).
To logout of Network Authentication:
1. Press the [Log In / Out] button on the Control Panel.
2. Select the [Logout] button on the Touch Screen.