9 of 22 Revision Nov 2008
Product Description Weight g/m2 Coating type Size Application
Number of
sheets run
Date of
Xerox Guaranteed Media
iGen3 Digital Production Press Non-Xerox Tested Media List - Europe - April 2010
Green - Good test results, purchase a small quantity to insure expectations are met.
Yellow - Customer should validate the limitations are acceptable for their application.
Not Recommended
Xerox makes no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the performance, use, consistency or replacement of non-Xerox branded media or throughput products. Customers should inquire directly of their paper distributor or manufacturer for any guarantees they may offer. When purchasing a particular media
product for the first time, customers are advised to purchase small quantities to insure that expectations are met. For guaranteed best performance, use digitally optimized paper and specialty media from Xerox Supplies.
The Non-Xerox Tested Media List contains non-Xerox branded paper and specialty media. Xerox has tested many media products on the Xerox iGen3 Digital Production Press and based on such testing have published this list of tested media products which may or may not, at the time of and based upon such testing, meet Xerox performance criteria. No subsequent testing has been done and
therefore no determination can be made as to whether or not such products would currently fail or pass Xerox performance criteria.
Condat Digital Gloss
250gsm Coated 2 Side Gloss 320 x 460 Full colour 1000 Yes Feb-08 Poor toner adhesion, jams Xerox Colotech+ Coated Gloss 250 gsm
Not Recommended