
Items Supplied...
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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2. Items Supplied...
Please check that your Xerox FS 5250 kit is complete. The complete
contents of the kit consists of the following items:
Xerox FS 5250 box
Wall plug power supply
Parallel printer cable
Auto-terminating twinax T-cable
Xerox FS 5250 /Xerox FS 5250 IPC, User's Guide,
Document no. D60262 (electronic format)
Xerox FS 5250 /Xerox FS 5250 IPC, Quick Guide,
Document no. D10262 (hardcopy format)
In addition the following accessories can be used:
Printer cable, Centronics (Order no. 999023 030)
Serial input cable (Order no. 999010 030)
Serial output cable has to be ordered for the specific printer you are
going to connect to. Please contact your i-data dealer for more details.
(See also Appendix A)
Printer sharing cable, Centronics (Order no. 999022-030)
IPC Upgrade Kit
IPC option (for upgrade) (Order no. 293011-001)