
Server Fax
Server Fax is an optional feature for the WorkCentre 7655/7665/7675, purchased from your Xerox Sales
Representative, and installed using a Internet/Server Fax Subscriber Installation Module (SIM).
The Server Fax feature enables users to send documents to one or more fax machines via the telephone
network without having a dedicated telephone line connected to the machine. This is achieved by
providing a network 'fax server' with its own links to the telephone system. The machine requires the
Internet/Server Fax Kit to be installed and a network connection to a Xerox certified third party server fax
solution to enable Server Fax. Refer to your Xerox Sales Representative for further information.
This section contains instructions to configure a fax filing location (repository) on your server. The fax
server retrieves the documents from the filing location and transmits them via the telephone network. The
fax server manages the fax transfer and has the ability to send confirmation reports which are printed at
the machine.
Server Fax and Embedded Fax
The Embedded Fax and Server Fax services are mutually exclusive and only one of them can be enabled
at any time. If Server Fax is currently enabled and Embedded Fax is then enabled, Server Fax will be
disabled automatically. If Embedded Fax is currently enabled and Server Fax is then enabled, Embedded
Fax will be disabled automatically.
Server Fax Authentication
Authentication (Service Access Control) can be enabled on the machine to prevent unauthorized access to
the network options. If Authentication is enabled a user will be prompted to enter a user name and
password, or a PIN, before they can access the Fax feature. For a full description of the Authentication
feature refer to the Authentication section in this guide. Authentication can be configured after Server Fax
has been installed.