You are now the owner of a high quality musical instrument. Thank you for choosing Yamaha.
For instructions on the proper assembly of the instrument and how to keep the instrument in optimal condition for as long as possible, we urge you to read this Owner’s Manual
Using the instrument
1. When assembling the instrument, apply a small amount of the supplied cork grease to the cork on the ends of the joint sections.
2. Before playing the instrument warm the entire instrument in your hands. The headjoint should be warmed to body temperature.
Playing a cold instrument can result in condensation or cracking. Be especially careful during the winter months to keep the instrument at or near room temperature.
3. Newinstrumentsneedtobebroken-inandshouldbeplayedonlyashorttimeatrsttopreventthewoodbodyfromcracking.
4. Aftereveryuse,wrapapieceofgauzearoundtheendofthesuppliedcleaningrod.Carefullywipeoutthemoisturefrominsidetheinstrument.
Be careful not to damage the labium (lip) and surrounding area as they play an important role in the instrument’s sound production.
5. Recordersareweakagainstsuddenchangesintemperatureorhumidity.Avoiddirectsunlight,exposuretoheatersandothersuchheatsources,andhighhumidity.
6. Pleasetakenotethatmodifyingoralteringtheinstrumentmayvoidthewarranty.