Chapter 13
Pattern Power
It’s time to put your AN200 know-how and experience to work — and delve
into these Pattern Power Tips.
The first couple of Tips introduce you to some important tools for working
with the Patterns, such as copying and erasing data. They’re basic nuts-and-
bolts stuff, but don’t ignore them. You’ll need them for the fun things to follow
— like creating your own original Patterns!
50 Hit the top of the Pattern!
Here’s an effect that’s long been a staple in dance and techno music. The Top function lets you instantly
retrigger the entire Pattern from the top — so you can produce all those cool stutter effects and create awe-
some dynamic hits and accents.
Select and start a Pattern. Then, while the Pattern is playing, hold down [SHIFT] and hit the red Record
([TOP]) button.
Play the button in time with the rhythm, on every beat — like this:
Watch your timing and keep the beat! Of course, you can get different effects
by playing the button way ahead or way behind the beat, if you want. (We’ll
show you some fancy rhythmic tricks with this in later Tips, too!)
Still, it’s best to hit the button right on the downbeats (“one,” “two,” “three,”
and “four”), and stay in the groove. When you’ve got it right, you’ll feel it.
Keep holding [SHIFT]
while you hit (press
and release) the
Record button.
ONE two three four
Instantly returns to beginning (top) of Pattern
during playback. Ideal for creating “stutter”
effects, partial measures, hits, and accents.
While Pattern is playing, hold down [SHIFT]
and press red Record (TOP) button. Release
button and repeat for each time you want Pat-
tern to start from the top.