B Exit the Initial Edit function. ..................................................................
To do this, press the [REC] button.
➔ The [REC] lamp goes out and the Initial Edit operation is com-
You can also exit the Initial Edit function by pressing the [EXIT]
If you do this after making any edits that you have not yet written to
disk, a “Write edited data?” message will be displayed. Press YES to
write the edited data and exit from the Initial Edit mode, NO to exit with-
out writing the data, or CANCEL to return to the Initial Edit mode and
continue editing.
Other Record Edit Functions
V Write the changes. .......................................................................................
When all the Initial Data changes have been made as desired, press
the WRITE button. When the “Are you sure?” message is displayed,
press the YES button to actually make the specified changes, or NO to
When this is completed, the WRITE button will change to UNDO,
allowing you to undo the Write operation and restore the data of the ed-
ited track to what it was before you made any edits.
• All edited data for any number of
tracks within a single song can be
written in a one-time Write operation,
by pressing the WRITE button.
• You can check whether the results of
the Initial Edit operation are what you
expected by starting and stopping
playback with the [PLAY/STOP] but-
ton. (You should try this before you do
something that would make it impossi-
ble to select the UNDO function.)
• The Undo function cannot be used
once you’ve changed the setting again,
changed a different setting, or exited
from the Initial Edit mode.
• The Undo feature cannot be used for
data recorded to internal memory (see
page 133).