Editing the Volume and Tonal Balance (MIXING CONSOLE)
CVP-405/403/401 Owner’s Manual
Using, Creating and Editing Voices
Adjustable Items (parameters) in the MIXING CONSOLE Dis-
The following explanations cover the available items (parameters) in the MIXING
CONSOLE displays.
•The RHY2 channel in the
STYLE PART display can only
be assigned to Drumkit Voices
and SFX kit Voices.
• When playing GM song data,
channel 10 (in the SONG CH
9–16 page) can only be used
for a Drum Kit Voice.
VOICE Allows you to re-select the Voices for each part. When the Style
channels are called up, neither Organ Flutes Voices nor User
Voices can be selected. When the Song channels are called up,
User Voices cannot be selected.
PANPOT Determines the stereo position of the selected part (channel).
VOLUME Determines the level of each part or channel, giving you fine
control over the balance of all the parts.
HARMONIC CONTENT Allows you to adjust the resonance effect (page 98) for each part.
BRIGHTNESS Determines the brightness of the sound for each part by adjusting
the cutoff frequency (page 98).
PORTAMENTO TIME Portamento is a function that creates a smooth transition in pitch
from the first note played on the keyboard to the next. The Porta-
mento Time determines the pitch transition time. Higher values
result in a longer pitch change time. Setting this to “0” results in
no effect. This parameter is available when the selected keyboard
part is set to Mono (page 85).
PITCH BEND RANGE Determines the range of the PITCH BEND in semitones for each
keyboard part (when a pedal is assigned to this function).
OCTAVE Determines the range of the pitch change in octaves for each
keyboard part.
TUNING Determines the pitch of each keyboard part.
TRANSPOSE Allows you to set the transposition for the keyboard pitch (KEY-
BOARD), Song playback (SONG), or overall sound of the instru-
ment (MASTER), respectively.
TYPE Select the desired effect type (page 92). After editing various
parameters for the selected effect type, you can save it as an orig-
inal effect.
REVERB Adjusts the amount of the Reverb sound for each part or chan-
CHORUS Adjusts the amount of the Chorus sound for each part or chan-
DSP Adjusts the amount of the DSP sound for each part or channel.