You can use either of the methods described previously to change the current voice
selection. Just press RIGHT1 VOICE and hold the button down, or use the data dial or
the [+] button to scan through the options. Try listening to a few of the voices while
you’re at it…
Changing a Setting in a Menu Display
A voice is one of the sounds
the Clavinova uses to make
The problem with this method is that it can be hard to find the voice you’re looking
for — after all, the Clavinova has more than 600 voices! So you’ll probably want to use
a menu display to see what your choices are. Try pressing the [PIANO] button now.
When you press one of the VOICE buttons, the LCD displays a two-column
menu listing the voices of that type. You should now be looking at a menu of
piano voices.
■ Using the ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons .......................................................................
This display has one function, VOICE, that corresponds to two LCD buttons
labeled ▲ and ▼. You can use these buttons to select a different piano voice, much
as you would use the [–] and [+] buttons.
■ Using the left and right LCD buttons............................................................
You may have noticed that each item in the menu corresponds to one of the but-
tons to the left and right of the LCD. You can press one of these buttons to select
the corresponding menu item directly — which is much quicker than using the ▲
and ▼ buttons.
Left and right LCD buttons
The buttons to the left and right
of the LCD are referred to as
the left and right LCD buttons.
As you can see, the menu display lets you select voices using any of a
number of controls: the two rightmost LCD buttons, any of the left and right
LCD buttons, the data dial, or the [–] and [+] buttons. Try selecting different
piano voices in this display before you move on.
Using the LCD Display Controls
Refer to page 31 for more
details about selecting voices.
Use any of the shaded controls to select a voice.