■ Using the Synchronized Stop Function ...................................
display automatically stops the Auto Accompaniment when you’re not
holding down any keys to the left of the split point.
Press the SYNCHRO STOP button to turn the function on.
This function can only be turned on if the
Auto Accompaniment is on and Full
Keyboard mode is not selected.
➔ The SYNCHRO STOP function is highlighted, and the [SYNCHRO]
lamp lights.
The Auto Accompaniment automatically starts when you play in the
left range of the keyboard, and stops when you release it.
This is useful for beginning players who
have difficulty playing in precise time. It is
also effective for creating accompani-
ment “breaks” during the performance.
To turn the function off, press SYNCHRO STOP again.
■ Changing the Split Point ............................................................................
You can use the SPLIT POINT function in the ACCOMPANIMENT
MODE display to set the split point at any desired key position. The keys
to the left of (and including) the split point control the chords played by
the Auto Accompaniment in every accompaniment mode except Full
SPLIT POINT function
• Settings: Any key of the keyboard
• Basic setting: F
Use the SPLIT POINT ▼ and ▲ buttons, the data dial, or the [–] and
[+] buttons to change the split point.
Press either the ▼ and ▲ buttons or the [–] and [+] buttons simulta-
neously to restore the basic setting.
• The split point cannot be set when Full
Keyboard mode is selected.
• Changing the split point here also
changes it for the Split mode (see
page 43).
➔ The selected key name is displayed by the SPLIT POINT function.
F 2
C3 C4 C5 C6 C7C2C1C0
Right range
Left range
Playing with the Auto Accompaniment
If the Auto Accompaniment or the Split mode (page 41) is on, the
keyboard guide lamp corresponding to the selected split point lights.