Editing Events Offline 211
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
The TIME parameter determines the point to which the specified data is moved or merged.
The number in parentheses on the right indicates the end point of the move/merge desti-
nation. You can set the TIME parameter on-the-fly by selecting the TIME button, then
pressing [ENTER]. You can edit the captured timecode value using the Parameter wheel or
the INC/DEC buttons. Press the [ENTER] button to reset the currently-selected digit to
The CH parameter specifies the channel to which the specified data will be moved or
merged. The number of destination channels depends on the number of move/merge
source channels specified. For example, if Input Channels 1 though 8 are specified as the
source, then the number of destination channels will be eight (8). Destination channels are
contiguous and only the first channel in the range can be specified. The number in paren-
theses on the right indicates the last channel of the move/merge destination.
You cannot move or merge from Input Channels to Output Channels. Also, even within
Output Channels, you cannot move or merge between Aux and Bus channels.
5 Use the cursor buttons to select the EXEC button, then press [ENTER].
The PARAMETERS window appears, which enables you to select the parameters to be
edited, and to perform the selected Job.
When you select a parameter, its button is highlighted. You can specify multiple parameters.
Double-clicking a non-highlighted parameter button will display a message confirming
that you wish to highlight all parameter buttons. Double-clicking a highlighted parameter
button will display a message that you wish to unhighlight all parameter buttons.