Input Channels 15
Studio Manager for DM1000—Owner’s Manual
B GATE section
This section contains the Gate controls and display graph for the currently selected Input
Channel. The rotary controls are used to set the threshold, range, attack, decay, and hold.
The GR meter indicates the amount of gain reduction being applied by the Gate. The ON
button turns the Gate on and off. The LINK button links the Gate of the currently selected
Input Channel with the Gate of its partner channel. The KEY IN parameter is used to select
a Gate trigger source. The LIBRARY button opens the Gate Library window.
This section contains the EQ controls and display graph for the currently selected Input
Channel. The rotary controls are used to set the gain, center frequency, and Q of each band,
and the pre-EQ attenuation level. EQ can also be set by dragging the EQ curve on the
EQUALIZER graph. The ON button turns the EQ on and off. The TYPE buttons select the
EQ type. The LIBRARY button opens the EQ Library window.
D DELAY & PHASE section
This section contains the delay and phase controls for the currently selected Input Channel.
The rotary controls are used to set the delay time, feedback gain, and feedback mix. The ON
button turns the Delay on and off. The PHASE button reverses the channel’s signal phase.
E ROUTING, PAN & level section
This section contains the routing, pan, and level controls and the AUTO, SOLO, and ON
buttons for the currently selected Input Channel. ROUTING buttons 1–8 are used to route
the channel to the Bus Outs. The STEREO button routes the channel to the Stereo Out. The
DIRECT button routes the channel to its Direct Out, and the Direct Out parameter below
it selects a Direct Out destination. The F.PAN button turns on and off the Bus Out Follow
Pan function. The PAN control is used to pan the channel. The AUTO button displays the
Automix status. The SOLO button is used to solo the channel, the ON button, to turn on
and off the channel, and the channel fader, to set the channel level.
F AUX SEND section
This section contains the Aux Send controls for the currently selected Input Channel. Use
the rotary controls to set the Aux Send levels, and click them to turn Aux Sends on and off.
Use the button below each Aux Send control to select pre-fader or post-fader. In Fixed
mode, this button is used to turn Aux Sends on and off (the level is fixed at nominal).
When Aux Sends are paired, a heart icon is displayed between them, and the odd-numbered
Aux Send control sets the level, while the even-numbered control works as a pan control.
This section contains the Compressor controls and display graph for the currently selected
Input Channel. The rotary controls are used to set the threshold, ratio, attack, release, gain,
and knee. The GR meter indicates the amount of gain reduction being applied by the Com-
pressor. The OUT meter indicates its output level. The ON button turns the Compressor
on and off. The LINK button links the Compressor of the currently selected Input Channel
with the Compressor of its partner channel. The POSITION parameter is used to specify
the position of the Compressor in the signal path. The ORDER parameter is used to specify
the order of the Compressor and Insert when both are inserted at the same position. The
LIBRARY button opens the Compressor Library window.
H INSERT section
This section contains the Insert parameters for the currently selected Input Channel. The
INSERT button turns the Insert on and off. The OUT and IN parameters are used to specify
the insert out destination and insert in source respectively. The POSITION parameter is
used to specify the position of the Insert in the signal path.