35 Chapter 5—Surround Editor Window
Studio Manager—Owner’s Manual
5 Surround Editor Window
To open the Surround Editor window, choose Surround Editor from the Windows menu.
The Surround Editor window displays the surround controls for the selected Input Chan-
A Channel Select section
This section displays the Channel ID and Long Channel name of the currently selected
Input Channel. The section is identical in operation to the Channel Select section of the
Selected Channel window. See page 22.
B Pan graph
This display represents a plan view of a room’s speaker set up.
C Surround pan position spot
This spot is a control which can be dragged to set the surround pan position.
Displays the selected Surround mode as “STEREO,” “3-1,” or “5.1.” The Surround modes
3-1 and 5.1 can only be selected on the DM2000.
E Surround pan position
Displays the surround pan position as left/right/front/rear coordinates corresponding to
the position of the spot on the pan graph.
F DIV control
This rotary control is used to set the ratio of Front Center signal level distributed between
the Center channel and the Front Left and Right channels.
G LFE control
This rotary control is used to set the LFE level for the selected Input Channel.
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