Song Lesson
• In Lesson 2, the rhythm part is muted.
• If the Talking function is turned on, the EZ-20 announces the Lesson number.
• To exit from the Lesson, press the corresponding LESSON button.
Press the [START/STOP] button to stop the Lesson.
The EZ-20 exits from the Lesson feature automatically when the [START/
STOP] button is pressed.
Types of Lesson
Press one of the following buttons to select and start a type of Lesson.
Lesson 1: Timing ..........This lesson step lets you practice just the timing
of the notes - any note can be used. The mel-
ody does not sound unless you play in rhythm.
Lesson 2: Waiting ........In this lesson step, the EZ-20 waits for you to
play the correct notes before continuing play-
back of the song. When you play the correct
note, the next note to play is indicated. Also,
the EZ-20 can sing the next note to play using
“A, B, C...” or “Do, Re, Mi...” (page 37).
Lesson 3: Minus One ...This lesson step lets you practice playing the
correct notes along with the accompaniment.
All parts except for the part you are practicing
will be played in tempo like a “karaoke”.