Playing Auto Accompaniment Chords
EZ-200 Owner’s Manual 49
● Recognized Standard Chords Chart
* These chords are not shown in the Chord Dictionary function.
Chord Name/[Abbreviation] Normal Voicing Chord (C) Display
Major [M] 1 - 3 - 5 C C
Add ninth [(9)] 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 C(9) C(9)
Sixth [6] 1 - (3) - 5 - 6 C6 C6
Sixth ninth [6(9)] 1 - 2 - 3 - (5) - 6 C6(9) C6(9) *
Major seventh [M7]
1 - 3 - (5) - 7 or
1 - (3) - 5 - 7
Major seventh ninth [M7(9)] 1 - 2 - 3 - (5) - 7 CM7(9) CM7(9) *
Major seventh add sharp eleventh [M7(#11)]
1 - (2) - 3 - #4 - 5 - 7 or
1 - 2 - 3 - #4 - (5) - 7
CM7(#11) CM7(#11)*
Flatted fifth [(b5)] 1 - 3 - b5C(b5) Cb5 *
Major seventh flatted fifth [M7b5] 1 - 3 - b5 - 7 CM7b5 CM7b5 *
Suspended fourth [sus4] 1 - 4 - 5 Csus4 Csus4
Augmented [aug] 1 - 3 - #5 Caug Caug
Major seventh augmented [M7aug] 1 - (3) - #5 - 7 CM7aug CM7aug *
Minor [m] 1 - b3 - 5 Cm Cm
Minor add ninth [m(9)] 1 - 2 - b3 - 5 Cm(9) Cm(9)
Minor sixth [m6] 1 - b3 - 5 - 6 Cm6 Cm6
Minor seventh [m7] 1 - b3 - (5) - b7 Cm7 Cm7
Minor seventh ninth [m7(9)] 1 - 2 - b3 - (5) - b7 Cm7(9) Cm7(9)
Minor seventh add eleventh [m7(11)] 1 - (2) - b3 - 4 - 5 - (b7) Cm7(11) Cm7(11) *
Minor major seventh [mM7] 1 - b3 - (5) - 7 CmM7 CmM7
Minor major seventh ninth [mM7(9)] 1 - 2 - b3 - (5) - 7 CmM7(9) CmM7(9) *
Minor seventh flatted fifth [m7b5] 1 - b3 - b5 - b7 Cm7b5 Cm7b5
Minor major seventh flatted fifth [mM7b5] 1 - b3 - b5 - 7 CmM7b5 CmM7b5 *
Diminished [dim] 1 - b3 - b5 Cdim Cdim
Diminished seventh [dim7] 1 - b3 - b5 - 6 Cdim7 Cdim7
Seventh [7]
1 - 3 - (5) - b7 or
1 - (3) - 5 - b7
C7 C7
Seventh flatted ninth [7(b9)] 1 - b2 - 3 - (5) - b7 C7(b9) C7(b9)
Seventh add flatted thirteenth [7(b13)] 1 - 3 - 5 - b6 - b7 C7(b13) C7(b13)
Seventh ninth [7(9)] 1 - 2 - 3 - (5) - b7 C7(9) C7(9)
Seventh add sharp eleventh [7(#11)]
1 - (2) - 3 - #4 - 5 - b7 or
1 - 2 - 3 - #4 - (5) - b7
C7(#11) C7(#11)
Seventh add thirteenth [7(13)] 1 - 3 - (5) - 6 - b7 C7(13) C7(13)
Seventh sharp ninth [7(#9)] 1 - #2 - 3 - (5) - b7 C7(#9) C7(#9)
Seventh flatted fifth [7b5] 1 - 3 - b5 - b7C7b5C7b5 *
Seventh augmented [7aug] 1 - 3 - #5 - b7 C7aug C7aug
Seventh suspended fourth [7sus4] 1 - 4 - (5) - b7 C7sus4 C7sus4
One plus two plus five [1+2+5] 1 - 2 - 5 C1+2+5 C *
• Notes in parentheses can
be omitted.
• Playing two same root keys
in the adjacent octaves pro-
duces accompaniment
based only on the root.
•A perfect fifth (1+5) pro-
duces accompaniment
based only on the root and
fifth which can be used with
both major and minor
• The chord fingerings listed
are all in “root” position, but
other inversions can be
used—with the following
exceptions: m7, m7
5, 6,
m6, sus4, aug, dim7, 7
6(9), 1+2+5
•Inversion of the 7sus4 and
m7(11) chords are not rec-
ognized if the notes shown
in parentheses are omitted.
• The auto accompaniment
will sometimes not change
when related chords are
played in sequence (e.g.
some minor chords fol-
lowed by the minor sev-
•Two-note fingerings will pro-
duce a chord based on the
previously played chord.