Reverb (REV)
This is a high-quality, yet simple and easy-to-use
Reverb effect that provides three reverb types and
lets you create long reverbs of up to 10 seconds.
TIME — Range: 0.3 ~ 10.0 sec
Determines the time it takes for the reverbera-
tion to decay. Higher values create a larger
apparent room size.
HIGH (controlled with the center knob) —
Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0
Determines the amount of high frequencies in
the reverb sound. In other words, it is similar to
a tone control, except that it affects only the
reverberation, not the original signal. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of high
frequencies. Higher settings make the apparent
room sound more reflective and “live,” while
lower settings help to keep the sound from
becoming too harsh or metallic.
EFFECT MIX (MIX) — Range: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the level of the processed signals.
A setting of 0% results in no effect output. Use
this control with the Dry Level (DRY) param-
eter below to determine the balance between the
effect and dry sound.
Sub parameters:
TYPE — Settings: Hall, Room, Plate
Determines the type of reverb. Use this to set
the kind of acoustic environment you wish to
reproduce. Hall simulates the ambience of large
enclosed spaces, such as concert halls, auditori-
ums and stadiums. Room simulates smaller
performance spaces and various types of rooms.
Plate recreates the special characteristics of a
plate reverb, and is particularly effective at
enhancing and filling out solo sounds.
LOW — Range: –3 ~ +6 dB
Determines the amount of low frequencies in
the reverb sound. The higher the value, the
greater the amount of low frequencies.
DRY LEVEL (DRY) — Range: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the level of the dry sound. A setting
of 0% results in no direct sound output. Use
this control with the Effect Mix (MIX) param-
eter above below to determine the balance
between the effect and dry sound.
Delay (DLY)
Delay adds echoed repeats to the sound. This delay
effect is a sophisticated multiple delay, with a
main delay and an additional short “doubling”
delay. The main delay time also has a tap delay
function that lets you “play” the delay time, setting
it in time with the rhythm you’re playing by tap-
ping the Pedal Switch. The Tap Delay function can
also be used to temporarily change the delay time
of effect programs in the Memory mode (for those
programs that have Delay).
TIME — Range: 7 ~ 896 ms
Determines the time between delayed repeats of
the main delay. Very short delays (7–50 ms)
have a doubling effect, making one instrument
sound like two. Slightly longer delays (roughly
60–150 ms) can be used for creating slap-back
echo or a reverb-type effect. Longer times are
used for special effects.
To use the Tap Delay function, press the Pedal
Switch of the Delay block twice, when Delay is
on. (If Delay has not been selected, pressing the
Pedal Switch for tap delay will not set the delay
time, but will simply turn the effect on and off.)
The GW50 automatically sets the delay time to
match the time between presses of the Pedal