MOTIF Reference
Voice Edit mode
Reference Voice mode
● [F5]-[SF1] Normal Common LFO Wave
Basic Structure (page 47)
From this display you can make a variety of LFO-
related settings, including Wave, Speed, Tempo, and
sync/phase settings.
Determines the LFO Wave.
❏ Settings tri, tri+, sawup, sawdwn, squ1/4, squ1/3,
squ, squ2/3, squ3/4, trpzp, S/H 1, S/H 2,
• Speed
Determines the speed of the LFO Wave modulation.
Higher values result in faster modulation speeds.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 63
•Tempo Sync
Determines whether or not the LFO is synchronized to the
tempo of the Arpeggio or sequencer (song or pattern).
Setting this to “on” allows you to keep the LFO effects in
perfect sync with the Arpeggio or sequencer playback.
❏ Settings off (not synchronized), on (synchronized)
•Tempo Speed
This parameter is available only when Tempo Sync above
has been set to “on.” It allows you to make detailed note
value settings that determine how the LFO pulses in sync
with the Arpeggio or sequencer.
❏ Settings 16th, 8th/3 (eighth-note triplets), 16th.
(dotted sixteenth notes), 8th 4th/3 (quarter-
note triplets), 8th. (dotted eighth notes), 4th
(quarter notes), 2nd/3 (half-note triplets),
4th. (dotted quarter notes),
2nd (half notes), whole/3 (whole-note
triplets), 2nd. (dotted half notes), 4th x 4
(quarter-note quadruplets; four quarter notes
to the beat), 4th x 5 (quarter-note quintuplets;
five quarter notes to the beat),
4th x 6 (quarter-note sextuplets; six quarter
notes to the beat), 4th x 7 (quarter-note
septuplets; seven quarter notes to the beat),
4th x 8 (quarter-note octuplets; eight quarter
notes to the beat)
n The actual length of the note depends on the
internal or external MIDI tempo setting.
•Key On Reset
Determines whether or not the LFO is reset each time a
note is pressed. The following three settings are available.
❏ Settings off, each-on, 1st-on
The LFO cycles freely with no key synchronization.
Pressing a key starts the LFO wave at whatever phase
the LFO happens to be at that point.
The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a
waveform at the phase specified by the Phase
parameter (below).
The LFO resets with every note you play and starts the
waveform at the phase specified by the Phase
parameter (below). However, if you play a second note
while the first is being held, the LFO continues cycling
according to the same phase as triggered by the first
note. In other words, the LFO only resets if the first
note is released before the second is played.
• Phase
Determines the starting phase point for the LFO Wave
when a note is played.
❏ Settings 0, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270
Speed = fast Speed = slow
Key on
Key on
(second note)
Key on
(first note)
Key on
(second note)
Key on
(first note)
0° 90°
120° 240°
180° 270°