MOTIF Reference
Song Record mode
Reference Song mode
Dotted notes can also be entered using the TIE function.
To produce a dotted 1/4 note, for example, set the step
time to an 8th note, enter a note and then press [F4] twice.
Press this to actually delete the note events at the current
cursor position.
● [F6] BCK DEL
Moves the pointer backward by one step and deletes all
notes at that location.
n Mistakenly entered notes can be erased by pressing
[F6] immediately after they are entered (before
changing the step time value).
● Entering other events
When entering non-note events (such as control
change data), the display is basically the same as
that for note data.
The following descriptions apply to non-note
• Value
When the event to be entered is something other than
“note,” this determines the value of the specified non-note
❏ Settings:
When e
vent is set to to “p.bend” :
- 8192 ~+8191
When e
vent is set to “CC (Control Change) #001~119” :
000 ~127
When e
vent is set to “tempo” (RecTrack is set to “tempo” ):
001 ~300
◆ Examples of Step Recording
The explanations here apply to steps #6 - #7 of the
Basic Procedure on page 183, page 184.
This section explains how to step-record notes, using
three specific examples.
1 Set the parameters as illustrated below.
Here, we’ll set the Step Time to (480) so that
quarter notes will be entered, and set the GateTime
to 100% to have the notes play in legato.
2 Play the keys C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C in order.
Each time you press a key and release it, the
pointer moves forward by one step and the played
note is recorded.
3 Move the pointer to the top (beginning) of the
song and press the [F] button to hear the note
data you just recorded in steps #1 and 2.
The TIE function is not available for non-note events.