MIDI Data Format
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease centered at
Higher values will lengthen the release which occurs after note-off.
1.2.14Attack Time
This message adjusts the EG Attack Time specified by the sound.
Control# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease centered at
Higher values will make the attack more gradual, and lower values will make the attack
more sharp.
This message adjusts the low pass filter cutoff frequency specified by the sound.
Control# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease centered at
Lower values will produce a more mellow sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be narrower than the settable range.
1.2.16Portamento Control
This message specifies the key source number for portamento (the key number from
which portamento will start). The portamento source key is specified as 0...127.
When Portamento Control is received, the currently sounding pitch will change at a speed
of Portamento Time 0 to the key of the next note-on that is received on the same channel.
Control# Parameter Data Range
84 Portamento Control 0...127
This is received even if Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF.
1.2.17Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the reverb effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
91 Effect1 Depth 0...127
Higher values will produce a deeper reverb. The result of the value will depend on the
state of the reverb effect.
1.2.18Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the chorus effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
93 Effect3 Depth 0...127
Higher values will produce more modulation and spaciousness. The result of the value
will depend on the state of the chorus effect.
1.2.19 Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the variation effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect4 Depth 0...127
However, this is not received if the Variation Effect parameter Variation Connection = 0
1.2.20Data Increment / Decrement (for RPN)
This message increases or decreases the value of the parameter specified by RPN (see
1.2.22) in units of 1.
Control# Parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment --
97 RPN Decrement --
The data byte is ignored.
1.2.21NRPN (Non-registered Parameter Number)
These messages are used to set parameters such as vibrato, filter, EG, or drum setup etc.
The parameter is specified by transmitting a NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB, and subse-
quently Data Entry (see 1.2.4) is used to set the value of the specified parameter.
Control# Parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0...127
99 NRPN MSB 0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, NRPN for that part will not be re-
ceived. The following NRPN messages can be received.
NRPN Data Entry*1
MSB LSB MSB LSB Parameter name and range of values
01H 08H mm -- *2 Vibrato Rate
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 09H mm -- Vibrato Depth
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 0AH mm -- *3 Vibrato Delay
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 20H mm -- Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 21H mm -- Low Pass Filter Resonance
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 24H mm -- High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 30H mm -- *4 EQ Bass Gain
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 31H mm -- *4 EQ Treble Gain
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 34H mm -- *4 EQ Bass Frequency
mm : 04H - 28H (32...2.0k[Hz])
01H 35H mm -- *4 EQ Treble Frequency
mm : 1CH - 3AH (500...16.0k[Hz])
01H 63H mm -- EG Attack Time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 64H mm -- EG Decay Time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 66H mm -- EG Release Time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
14H rr mm -- Drum Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
15H rr mm -- Drum Low Pass Filter Resonance
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
16H rr mm -- Drum EG Attack Rate
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
17H rr mm -- Drum EG Decay Rate
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
Applies to both Decay 1 and 2
18H rr mm -- Drum Instrument Pitch Coarse
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
19H rr mm -- Drum Instrument Pitch Fine
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
1AH rr mm -- Drum Instrument Level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1CH rr mm -- Drum Instrument Panpot
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H,01H-40H-7FH (RND, L63...C...R63)
1DH rr mm -- Drum Instrument Reverb Send Level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1EH rr mm -- Drum Instrument Chorus Send Level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1FH rr mm -- Drum Instrument Variation Send Level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
when Variation Connection = SYSTEM
mm : 00H, 01H-7FH(OFF,ON)
when Variation Connection = INSERTION