P-70 Owner’s Manual / Bedienungsanleitung / Mode d’emploi / Manual de instrucciones
Data format: [CnH] -> [ppH]
CnH = Program event (n = channel number)
ppH = Program change number
P. C . #=Program Change number
• When program change reception is turned OFF, no program
change data is transmitted or received.
• When you specify a program change as a number in the
range of 0–127, specify a number that is one less than the
program change number listed above. For example, to specify
program change number 1, you would specify a value of 0.
5. Pitch Bend Change (reception only)
[EnH] -> [ccH] -> [ddH]
ccH = LSB
ddH = MSB
F8H: Timing clock
FAH: Start
FCH: Stop
FEH: Active sensing
• If an error occurs during MIDI reception, the Sustain, Soste-
nuto, and Soft effects for all channels are turned off and an All
Note Off occurs.
(Universal System Exclusive)
(1) Universal Realtime Message
Data format: [F0H] -> [7FH] -> [XnH] -> [04H] -> [01H] ->
[llH] -> [mmH] -> [F7H]
MIDI Master Volume
• Simultaneously changes the volume of all channels.
• When a MIDI master volume message is received, the volume
only has affect on the MIDI receive channel, not the panel
master volume.
F0H = Exclusive status
7FH = Universal Realtime
7FH = ID of target device
04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
llH = Volume LSB
mmH =
Volume MSB
F7H = End of Exclusive
F0H = Exclusive status
7FH = Universal Realtime
XnH = When received, n=0–F.
X = irrelevant
04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
llH = Volume LSB
mmH =
Volume MSB
F7H = End of Exclusive
(2) Universal Non-Realtime Message (GM On)
General MIDI Mode On
Data format: [F0H] -> [7EH] -> [XnH] -> [09H] -> [01H] ->
F0H = Exclusive status
7EH = Universal Non-Realtime
7FH = ID of target device
09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
01H = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
F7H = End of Exclusive
F0H = Exclusive status
7EH = Universal Non-Realtime
XnH = When received, n=0–F.
X = irrelevant
09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
01H = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
F7H = End of Exclusive
When the General MIDI mode ON message is received,
the MIDI system will be reset to its default settings.
This message requires approximately 50ms to execute, so
sufficient time should be allowed before the next message
is sent.
Grand Piano 1 0 122 1
Grand Piano 2 0 112 1
E.Piano 1 0 122 6
E.Piano 2 0 122 5
Church Organ 1 0 123 20
Church Organ 2 0 122 20
Strings 0 122 49
Harpsichord 1 0 122 7
Harpsichord 2 0 123 7
Vibraphone 0 122 12
Data Transmission Reception
Transmitted every
96 clocks
Received as 96-clock tempo timing
when MIDI clock is set to External.
FAH Song start
Song start
Not received when the MIDI clock is
set to Internal.
FCH Song stop
Song stop
Not received when the MIDI clock is
set to Internal.
Transmitted every
200 milliseconds
If a signal is not received via MIDI for
more than 400 milliseconds, the
same processing will take place for All
Sound Off, All Notes Off and Reset All
Controllers as when those signals are