
Making Global and Other Important Settings — Function
Clock, Transmit Clock, Receive Transpose, Start/Stop
Determines whether the PSR-2100/1100 is controlled by its own internal clock or a MIDI clock signal received from
an external device. “INTERNAL” is the normal Clock setting when the PSR-2100/1100 is being used alone. If you are
using the PSR-2100/1100 with an external sequencer, MIDI computer, or other MIDI device, and you want the PSR-
2100/1100 to be synchronized to the external device, set this function to “EXTERNAL.” In the latter case, the
external device must be connected to the PSR-2100/1100 MIDI IN terminal, and must be transmitting an
appropriate MIDI clock signal.
Transmit Clock
Turns MIDI clock transmission on or off. When this is set to “OFF,” no MIDI clock or START/STOP data is
Receive Transpose
When this parameter is set to “OFF,” note data received by the PSR-2100/1100 is not transposed, and when it is set
to “ON,” the received note data is transposed according to the current PSR-2100/1100 keyboard transpose
(page 144) setting.
Determines whether incoming FA (start) and FC (stop) messages affect song or
style playback.
Message Switch
SYS/EX. Tx (TRANSMIT).....................Turns MIDI transmission of MIDI system exclusive message data ON or OFF.
SYS/EX. Rx (RECEIVE)........................Turns MIDI reception of MIDI exclusive data generated by external equipment
ON or OFF.
CHORD SYS/EX. Tx (TRANSMIT) ......Turns MIDI transmission of MIDI chord exclusive data (chord detect — root and
type) ON or OFF.
CHORD SYS/EX. Rx (RECEIVE)..........Turns MIDI reception of MIDI chord exclusive data generated by external
equipment ON or OFF.
Transmitting MIDI Data — Transmit
This determines which parts will send MIDI data and over which MIDI channel the data will be sent.
Data Types in the MIDI TRANSMIT/RECEIVE Display
* Available in RECEIVE display only (page 150).
Note Messages which are generated when the keyboard is played. Each message includes a specific note number which
corresponds to the key which is pressed, plus a velocity value based on how hard the key is played.
Control Change (CC) Control change data includes pedal and any other controller data.
Program Change (PC) Program change data corresponds to voice or “patch” numbers.
Pitch Bend (PB) See page 143.
After Touch (AT)* With this function, the PSR-2100/1100 senses how much pressure you apply to the keys while playing, and uses that
pressure to affect the sound in various ways, depending on the selected voice. This allows you to play with greater
expressiveness and add effects with your playing technique.
MIDI messages for starting/stop-
ping the song or style. The “FA”
message corresponds to start,
and “FC” corresponds to stop.
81 2 3 4 5 6 7
Determines the
channel for changing
transmit settings.
Determines the Part for the
selected channel.
Tur ns transmission of the
specified data type on or off.
See below for details on the
data types.
The dots corresponding to each
channel (1-16) flash briefly
whenever any data is
transmitted on the channel(s).