
Function settings Reference
DGX-205/203, PSR-295/293 Owner’s Manual 63
Function Setting List
Category Setting Item title Range/Settings Description
VOLUME Style Volume StyleVol 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Style.
Song Volume SongVol 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Song.
OVERALL Transpose Transpos -12 – 12 Determines the pitch of the instrument by semitone
Tuning Tuning -100 – 100 Sets the pitch of the instrument’s sound in 1-cent
Pitch Bend Range
(DGX-205/203 only)
PBRange 01 – 12 Sets the pitch bend range in semitone increments.
Split Point
SplitPnt 000 – 127 (C-2 – G8) Determines the highest key for the Split voice and
sets the Split “point” — in other words, the key that
separates the Split (lower) and Main (upper) voices.
The Split Point setting and Accompaniment Split
Point setting are automatically set to the same value.
Touch Sensitivity
TouchSns 1 (Soft)/2 (Medium)/
3 (Hard)
When Touch Response is on, this determines the
sensitivity of the feature.
Volume 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Main voice.
Octave M
.Octave -2 – +2 Determines the octave range for the Main voice.
Pan M.Pan 000 (left) – 64 (center)
– 127 (right)
Determines the pan position of the Main voice in the
stereo image. The value “0” results in the sound
being panned full left; the value “127” results in the
sound being panned full right.
Reverb Send Level M
.Reverb 000 – 127 Determines how much of the Main voice’s signal is
sent to the Reverb effect.
Chorus Send Level
000 – 127 Determines how much of the Main voice’s signal is
sent to the Chorus effect.
D.Voice 001 – 487 Selects the Dual voice.
D.Volume 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Dual voice.
Octave D
.Octave -2 – +2 Determines the octave range for the Dual voice.
Pan D.Pan 000 (left) – 64 (center)
– 127 (right)
Determines the pan position of the Dual voice in the
stereo image. The value “0” results in the sound
being panned full left; the value “127” results in the
sound being panned full right.
Reverb Send Level D.Reverb 000 – 127 Determines how much of the Dual voice’s signal is
sent to the Reverb effect.
Chorus Send Level D
.Chorus 000 – 127 Determines how much of the Dual voice’s signal is
sent to the Chorus effect.
.Voice 001 – 487 Selects the Split voice.
Volume S
.Volume 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Split voice.
Octave S
.Octave -2 – +2 Determines the octave range for the Split voice.
Pan S.Pan 000 (left) – 64 (center)
– 127 (right)
Determines the pan position of the Split voice in the
stereo image. The value “0” results in the sound
being panned full left; the value “127” results in the
sound being panned full right.
Reverb Send Level S
.Reverb 000 – 127 Determines how much of the Split voice’s signal is
sent to the Reverb effect.
Chorus Send Level S.Chorus 000 – 127 Determines how much of the Split voice’s signal is
sent to the Chorus effect.
EFFECT Reverb Type Reverb 01 – 10 Determines the Reverb type, including off (10). (See
the list on page 86)
Chorus Type Chorus 01 – 05 Determines the Chorus type, including off (05). (See
the list on page 86)
Panel Sustain Sustain ON/OFF Determines whether or not panel sustain is always
applied to the MAIN/DUAL/SPLIT voices. Panel sus-
tain is applied continuously when ON, or not applied
when OFF. (page 50)
HARMONY Harmony Type H
armType 01 – 26 Determines the Harmony type. (See the list on page
Harmony Volume
HarmVol 000 – 127 Determines the volume of the Harmony effect when
Harmony type 1-5 is selected.