Voice List
The PSR-620 is provided with the Panel Voices (voice numbers 01~151)
and GM Voices (voice numbers 01~136). GM Voices are used for the ac-
companiment. Refer to the GM Voice List on page 95 for the accompani-
ment track voice editing.
The PSR-620 can play up to 32 individual notes at the same time (i.e. it
has a maximum “polyphony” of 32). This number includes all voices used:
dual, split, auto accompaniment, song, and multi pads. If the maximum po-
lyphony of the PSR-620 is exceeded, the excess notes will be truncated
(they will not sound).
Another feature affecting polyphony is the fact that some PSR-620
voices actually use two voices at once, as shown in the voice list below. The
effective maximum polyphony of the PSR-620 is correspondingly reduced
when these voices are used.
• The voice list includes the MIDI pro-
gram numbers and MIDI bank select
numbers (Panel Voice List only) that
control each voice when the PSR-620
is played from an external MIDI de-
• Panel voice number 113/GM voice
number 110 (Bagpipe) uses only one
voice above A