◆ Accompaniment Sections
There are 8 types of Auto Accompaniment sections that allow you to vary the
arrangement of the accompaniment to match the song you are playing. They are:
Intro, Main A and B, Fill-in (AA, AB, BA, BB) and Ending. By switching between
them while playing you can put together a single song.
● INTRO Section
This is the beginning of the song. When the intro finishes playing, accompa-
niment shifts to the main section.
● MAIN Section
There are two variations that can play in the main section of the song: A and
B. The Auto Accompaniment will automatically play following along with the
chords that you play.
● FILL-IN Section
Fill-in livens up pauses in the song. Whenever you press the MAIN/AUTO
FILL [A] or [B] button during accompaniment, the PSR-730/630 will generate
an appropriate “fill-in” (one of four types: AA, AB, BA, and BB) which will
smoothly connect the current section to the selected section — even if it is the
same section.
● ENDING Section
This is the ending portion of the song. When the ending is finished, Auto
Accompaniment will stop.
• The MAIN A section is
automatically selected
whenever the PSR-730/
630 power is initially
turned on.
• The indicator of the desti-
nation section (MAIN A
or B) will flash while the
corresponding fill-in is
playing. During this time
you can change the des-
tination section by press-
ing the appropriate
[B] button.
• You can use the intro
section even in the
middle of the song by
pressing the INTRO but-
ton during the song.
A/B button is pressed af-
ter the final half beat
(eighth note) of the mea-
sure, fill-in will begin from
the next measure.
• You can begin the ac-
companiment by using
the ending instead of the
intro section.
Auto Accompaniment