Making Global and Other Important Settings — Function
Setting the Fingering Method — Chord Fingering
This determines how the notes you play on the keyboard indicate or play the chords of the accompaniment. To learn
how to play certain chords, use the convenient Chord Tutor function (see note below).
The explanations here apply to step #3 of the procedure on page 118.
Making Settings for the Pedals
Determines the fingering
type (page 59).
This lets you change the root
note from the chord.
This lets you change the
chord type.
Indicates the note that belongs to a
chord in the music.
Indicates the note that
belongs to a chord. Some
notes can be omitted. The
chord name is indicated
next to “CHORD NAME.”
.. Required
.. Can be omitted
.. Either note can be
.. Can be omitted when
the note indicated by
is omitted
The chord indication in the
display applies to the Fin-
gered method, regardless if
another method is actually
Chord Tutor
The Chord Tutor feature is
essentially an electronic
“chord book” that shows you
appropriate fingerings for
chords; it is useful when you
want to play certain chords.
Simply specify the desired
chord via the [6▲▼] - [8▲▼]
buttons, and the fingerings
for the Fingered method are
indicated in the display.
Making Settings for the Pedals and Keyboard — Controller
Determines the particular
pedal to which a function is
to be assigned.
Determines the function to be assigned to the
selected pedal. Any one of the available functions
can be assigned to each pedal.
For information on the assignable functions, see
“Pedal-controllable Functions” on the next page.
If necessary, you can turn
the corresponding part ON/
OFF or set the control depth
(see the next page).
Pedal on/off operation may
differ depending on the
particular pedal you’ve
connected to the [FOOT
PEDAL 1/2] jack. For
example, pressing down on
one pedal may turn the
selected function on, while
pressing a different make/
brand of pedal may turn the
function off. If necessary,
use this setting to reverse
the operation.