Pitch Bend ........................................................................................ 52
01: PB Ctrl (Pitch Bend Control)
02: PB LowCtrl (Pitch Bend Low Control)
03: PBLFO PMod (Pitch Bend LFO Pitch Modulation)
Modulation Wheel .......................................................................... 53
04: MWLFO PMod (Modulation Wheel LFO Pitch Modulation)
05: MWLFO FMod (Modulation Wheel LFO Filter Modulation)
Aftertouch ....................................................................................... 53
06: ATFil Ctrl (Aftertouch Filter Control)
07: ATLFO PMod (Aftertouch LFO Pitch Modulation)
Assignable Controller ..................................................................... 54
08: AC1 CC No. (Assignable Controller 1 Control Change Number)
09: AC1FilCtrl (Assignable Controller 1 Filter Control)
10: AC1AmpCtrl (Assignable Controller 1 Amplitude Control)
11: AC1LFOPMod (Assignable Controller 1 LFO Pitch Modulation)
Expression........................................................................................ 54
12: Exp Mode (Expression Mode)
Pressure ............................................................................................ 55
13: Prs CC No. (Pressure Control Change Number)
14: PrsCtrlDpt (Pressure Control Depth)
15: Prs Curve (Pressure Curve)
Filter .............................................................................................. 55
16: Fil CC No. (Filter Control Change Number)
17: FilCtrlDpt (Filter Control Depth)
18: Fil Curve (Filter Curve)
Amplitude ........................................................................................ 56
19: Amp CC No. (Amplitude Control Change Number)
20: AmpCtrlDpt (Amplitude Control Depth)
21: Amp Curve (Amplitude Curve)
Controllers & Control Editing
The Control Edit Parameters
Please note that a number of CONTROL EDIT parameters which are avail-
able in the VOICE sound module mode are not available in the VL-XG
sound module mode (page 28). The parameter numbers are therefore different in
each mode. Some of the value ranges are also different — the differences will
be listed with the actual parameter descriptions.
● VOICE Sound Module Mode Control Edit Parameters
Refer to the page numbers listed for full details on each parameter.