" Stylings
" Stylings
Using the metronome
The metronome is extremely useful, since it helps
you stay in time with the Pianist accompaniment.
The metronome beats in perfect time with the
music, helping you to play more accurately.
Turning the metronome on/off
To start the metronome at the currently selected tempo, press
the METRONOME button. To stop the metronome, press
the METRONOME button again.
n The tempo and time signature can be changed. (See pages 15, 22.)
2. Start the Pianist style
The Pianist accompaniment starts automatically when you
play a key or chord in the left-hand (accompaniment)
section of the keyboard. You can perform along with the
professional accompaniment by playing the melody with
your right hand.
About accompaniment fingering
You can "play" the Pianist accompaniment with one of two different methods: Single Finger or Fingered Chord.
With Single Finger, you can change to the desired chords by
playing simple one-, two- or three-finger chord indications.
With Fingered Chord, you can change chords by playing all the
notes of the chord, with conventional voicing and fingering.
n For more information on fingering, see "Multi Fingering" on page 24.
n You can change the Pianist style even if another style is playing.
Beat lamps
The Beat lamps flash in time at the currently set
tempo and time signature.
( )
C Cm Cm
1st Beat 2nd Beat
3rd Beat 4th Beat
Accompaniment Section
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