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Reset Parental Control Block Hours to Zero and Cancel Password
This provides the institution staff and the installer a means to reset the TV to nor-
mal operation; if a user has either forgotten the password or has left Parental
Control blocks active. (Installer Menu item 0-I Installer Seq must be set to 0 for
this to work.)
On the optional installer’s remote control, press and hold down MENU until the
menu disappears (takes about 8 seconds). Immediately press 9, 8, 7, 6 and then
CC. This will reset the Block Hours to Zero and cancel the current 4-number pass-
Make Parental Control Restrictions Permanent, With No Preset or Fixed
Hours Time Limit
In the Installer’s Menu, set
Item 84: PERMANENT BLK, 0 or 1.
0 Restrictions limited to specified hours, 12 - 99.
1 Blocking restrictions always active, no time limit.
Reset the Maximum Number of Parental Control Default Block Hours
You can change the Block hours from the 12-hour default setting to up to 99
In the Installer’s Menu, item: 22-I MAX BLK HRS 12, use the ADJ Left/Right arrow
to set a different default number of hours.
Turn Parental Control Feature Off or On
In the Installer’s Menu, installer items:
21-I V-CHIP, 0 = disable, or 1 = enable
51-I DIS. VCHIP M., 0 = enable, or 1 = disable
Options Setups for V-Chip Menu and Block Functions
For Installer items:
0 0 No Menu, No Blocking.
0 1 No Menu, No Blocking.
1 0 Shows Menu, Block functions.
1 1 No Menu, Block functions.
Installer Menu Options For V-Chip Operation
V-Chip functionality can be disabled if the password is not known