Multimix 12R Reference Manual 21
2. Connect the stereo/TRS end to the INSERT jack of channel 1 of the
Multimix 12R.
3. Connect the mono plug from the tip connector to the input of the
ADAT. NOTE: the ADAT’s tracks are arranged from left to right on the
back panel, and the mixer’s channels are from right to left, so the wires
will have to cross over.
4. Connect the mono plug from the ring connector to the output of
the ADAT.
If you're not sure which mono plug is from the tip and which is
from the ring, check to see if the cable box has that information. If
not, simply try it one way and play a prerecorded tape from the
ADAT. If you can't hear output from the mixer with the faders and
master up, swap the input and output plugs the other way.
5. Plug in channels 2-8 of the mixer to tracks 2-8 of the ADAT in the
same way.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Using two Multimix 12Rs for more flexibility:
The in-line method may be used for recording one source to a track.
But if you want to record a mix of microphones or other sources onto
a pair of tracks, two Multimix 12Rs can do the job more quietly and in
a smaller space than expensive dedicated recording consoles. One 12R
is the "source" mixer which feeds the ADAT's inputs, and the other is
the "monitor/mixdown" mixer which receives the ADAT's outputs.
1. Plug the -10 dBV MAIN OUT jacks of the "source" 12R to track
inputs 1 and 2 of the ADAT.
• Because the ADAT has normalled inputs, the stereo output of the source
mixer may be recorded on other tracks without repatching. The left
output of the mixer will appear at the inputs of tracks 1, 3, 5 & 7; the right
output will appear at track 2, 4, 6 & 8. On the ADAT-XT, press and hold
[ANALOG INPUT] and the REC READY keys for track 1 or 2 to activate
this "built-in patch bay" feature.
2. Plug track outputs 1-8 of the ADAT to LINE IN 1-8 of the
"monitor/mixdown" 12R. Note that output 1 is on the left of the
ADAT, but on the right of the mixer, so the wires must cross over.
3. To record more than two tracks at a time, plug a mono cable from
the INSERT jack of any channels of the mixer to the input of any
track. By plugging the cable all the way in the INSERT jack, and
not returning the signal from the recorder, the individual channels
will be removed from the stereo mix. This way, you can record a
stereo mix of several inputs on any two tracks while
simultaneously recording individual sources on other tracks.