Multimix 12R Reference Manual 37
Multitrack recording
See the "Connections" chapter for information on how to connect the
Multimix 12R to an ADAT or other multitrack recorder.
In the most common setup, the ADAT is patched into the INSERT
points of each channel. It receives signal directly from the [TRIM]
control; no other controls will affect the level being recorded to tape.
1. Put the desired tracks of the ADAT into record ready mode. Press
"Auto Input Monitor" or "All Input Monitor" depending on your
situation (see the ADAT manual for more information).
2. With the signal source (microphone or line input) active, slowly
increase the [TRIM] level of each input while watching the ADAT
meter until the top red segment comes on. Then turn down the
trim level so that the red LED does not light.
3. Set the EQ, aux, and channel faders for the desired control room
mix. Note that none of these settings will affect the signal going to
the ADAT.
4. For overdubbing, put the original tracks into safe mode. These
tracks will play back through the same channels they were
recorded on.
5. If necessary, repatch the microphone or line inputs to the next
channels you want to record. NOTE: the ADAT and ADAT-XT can
automatically "normal" the input to track 1 to any odd-numbered
track, and the input to track 2 to any even-numbered track. Check
the manual of the ADAT or XT for more information.
You may leave the ADAT connected to the INSERT jacks for mixdown;
there's no need to repatch to the LINE IN jacks.
Make the connections according to the procedure in the "Connections"
1. Connect the MAIN OUTs (-10 dBV or +4 dBu, depending on the
deck) to the inputs of the mixdown deck.
2. Connect the outputs of the mixdown deck to the TAPE IN jacks.
3. Connect the [MONITOR OUT] jacks to the inputs of your control
room monitor amplifier.
4. Press the [PHONES/MONITOR] switch down so it is in the TAPE
5. Put the mixdown deck into record/pause mode, play the ADAT,
and adjust the mix and level controls of the mixer for the desired
level. Set the MASTER fader up to the maximum, and adjust the
input controls of the mixdown deck until its meters give the desired
reading. You will also be able to see the levels on the mixer itself;
check to make sure the output of the mixdown deck is set to
nominal (unity gain).
By monitoring through the mixdown deck, you'll be able to hear if
there is any distortion in that deck's electronics.