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IC SAA5264PS/M3/0104 SDIP52
Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 PWM Output for 14-bit high precision Pulse Width Modulator(PWM)
2 PWM0 Output for 6-bit PWMs 0 to 6
3 PWM1
4 PWM2
5 PWM3
6 PWM4
7 PWM5
8 PWM6
9 ADC0 Inputs for the software Analog-to-Digital-Converter(ADC) facility
10 ADC1
11 ADC2
12 ADC3
13 VSCC Core ground
C-bus Serial Clock input to Non-Volatile RAM
C-bus Serial Data input/output (Non-Volatile RAM)
16 Input/output for general use
17 Input/output for general use
18 Input/output for general use
19 8mA current sinking capability for direct drive of Light Emitting
20 Diodes (LEDs)
21 Input/output for general use
22 VSSA Analog ground
23 CVBS0 Composite Video Baseband Signal(CVBS) input; a positive-going
24 CVBS1 1 V (peak-to peak) input is required; connected via a 100 nF capacitor
25 SYNC_FILTER Sync-pulse-filter input for CVBS; this pin should be connected to VSSA
via a 100nF capacitor
26 IREF Reference current input for analog circuits; for correct operation a
24kΩ resistor should be connected to VSSA
27 FRAME Frame de-interlace output synchronized with the VSYNC pulse to
produce a non-interlaced display by adjustment of the vertical
deflection circuits
28 TEST Not avallable; connect this pin to VSSA
29 COR Contrast reduction:open-drain, active LOW output which allows selective
contrast reduction of the TV picture to enhance a mixed mode display
30 PWM7 Output for 6-bit PWM7
31 VDDA Analog supply voltage (3.3V)
32 B Blue colour information pixel rate output
33 G Green colour information pixel rate output
34 R Red colour information pixel rate output
35 VDS Video/data switch push-pull output for pixel rate fast blanking
36 HSYNC Horizontal sync pulse input: Schmitt triggered for a Transistor Transistor
Lever(TTL) version; the polarity of this pulse is programmable by
register bit TXT1.H POLARITY
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