One side is way louder than the other!
• AretheLEVELcontrolssetthesameonbothactive
• CheckthePANcontrolorbalanceonthesignalsource.
It may be turned too far to one side. If you’re using a
stereo signal source, it may be delivering an out-of-
balance stereo signal.
• Tryswappingsides:Turnofftheactivespeakers,swap
the input cables coming from the mixing console, turn
the active speakers back on. If the same side is still
louder, the problem may be with your active speakers or
cables between the mixer and the active speaker. If the
other side is louder now, the problem is with the mixer
or the signal source.
Poor bass performance
• Checkthepolarityoftheconnectionsbetweenthe
mixer/preamp and the active speakers. You may have
your positive and negative connections reversed at one
end of one cable, causing one SRM450v2 to be out-of-
As soon as the music gets loud, the SRM450v2
shuts down!
• BesurethatthePEAKLEDontherearpanelisnot
lighting up frequently or continuously.
Remember to wear ear protectors if
you get close to an SRM450v2 playing
at high levels. When the PEAK LED
comes on, the SPL is in a region above
120 dB!!!
• Makesurethereisroombehindtherearpanelto
provide sufficient ventilation to the heatsink.
Bad sound!
• Isitloudanddistorted?Followtheprocedures
described in the “Quick Start” section to verify that
the levels are set properly.
• Istheinputconnectorpluggedcompletelyintothe
jack? Be sure all connections are secure. It’s a good
idea to periodically clean all electrical connections
with a non-lubricating electrical contact cleaner.
If you think your Mackie product has a problem,
please check out the following troubleshooting tips and
do your best to confirm the problem. Visit the Support
section of our website (www.mackie.com/support)
where you will find lots of useful information such as
FAQs and other documentation. You may find the answer
to the problem without having to send your Mackie
product away.
No power!
• Ourfavoritequestion:Isitpluggedin?Makesurethe
AC outlet is live (check with a tester or lamp).
• Ournextfavoritequestion:IsthePOWERswitchon?If
not, try turning it on.
• Isthebluelightonthefrontpanelilluminated?Ifnot,
make sure the AC outlet is live. If so, refer to “No sound”
• TheAClinefuseinsidethechassisisblown.Thisisnot
a user-serviceable part. Refer to “Repair” on page 16 to
find out how to proceed.
No sound!
• IstheinputLEVELcontrolturnedallthewaydown?
Follow the procedures in the “Quick Start” section
on page 6 to verify that all the volume controls in the
system are properly adjusted.
• Isthesignalsourceworking(andmakingunionscale)?
Make sure the connecting cables are in good repair
and securely connected at both ends. Make sure the
output volume (gain) control on the mixing console or
preamp is turned up sufficiently to drive the inputs of
the speaker. You should be able to see the SIGNAL
PRESENT LED blink on the rear panel.
• MakesurethepreampormixerdoesnothaveaMute
on, or a Tape or Processor loop engaged. If you find
something like this, make sure the volume/gain is
turned down before disengaging the offending switch.
• IstheTHERMALLEDlit?Makesurethereisatleast
six inches of free space behind the heatsinks. Allow the
SRM450v2 to cool off and it will turn back on.