SECTION 1 1-1 Physical Installation
This section describes the physical installation of communication and video lines necessary for SAT
system operation. Instructions for connecting additional equipment, necessary for proper operation at
the local SAT SIDE, are also discussed. The choices made here are reflected in the configuration of
the applicable programming menus (SAT SIDE) and flat files (9760 SIDE), which are covered in
Section 2.
SECTION 2 2-4 Programming and Configuration
SAT programming menus are discussed first.
These menus are normally programmed via a local keypad connection on the
of the
system. They can also be programmed from the
9760 SIDE
via a 9760-KBD. A number of ways to
accomplish these tasks are possible. Whether you program from the local
or from the sys-
9760 SIDE
, depends upon choices made about your particular equipment configuration. How
these setups affect your choice of programming vehicle is discussed in Section 2, PRELIMINARIES.
Next, other programming functions related to local SAT operation are discussed (presets, patterns,
zones and so on).
This section concludes with a discussion on how to program the 9760-MGR (System Manager) configu-
ration or “flat” files for proper operation of the 9760-SAT link.
SECTION 3 3-1 Operation
SAT operation on the local SAT SIDE of the system is discussed first. These include keyboard acti-
vated functions for camera/monitor selections and control operations for other functions including se-
quence, pattern, and zone operations, as well as the control of auxiliaries.
Locally activated alarms on the SAT SIDE lead to discussions of 9760 System-SAT alarm responses.
Alarm response, in turn, leads to a discussion on how different equipment configurations are integrated
into the 9760 system as a whole. You may have only one SAT, or perhaps two SATs, or one SAT and
a 9760-ALM unit, or two SAT units and an ALM unit.
Alarm responses for the 9760-ALM unit are structured differently from that of the SAT unit, yet both use
the same Alarms system configuration file. How it actually works is discussed here.
SECTION 4 4-1 System and Multiplexer Example
A basic 9760-SAT system example that demonstrates the basics of system hookup and programming is
considered. The example is dissected in a step-by-step, detailed manner. At each step, the hookup and
programming functions affecting that portion of the system are discussed. References to applicable
manual sections are given where appropriate. The basics of integrating a Genex multiplexer into a 9760-
SAT system environment is also discussed.
4-11 Multiplexer Example
SECTION 5 5-1 Appendices
A short tutorial on device interconnections is given. Keypad definitions, templates and remote keypad
connections are followed by a listing of SAT models and associated equipment. We round out the
section with a menu-listing of SAT Programming Default Reset parameters and a connector pinout list
for all devices used in the manual.
SECTION 6 6-1 Miscellaneous
6-1 Safeguards and Warnings
6-2 Specifications
6-3 Index
6-5 Regulatory Notices
6-5 Warranty