TA (Traffic Announcement) mode
To determine what action will the radio take if the newly tuned station does not receive TP
(Transport Program) information for 5 seconds. Rotate the VOL knob to select the desired
mode: TA ALARM and TA SEEK.
When newly tuned station does not receive TP information for 5 seconds, the radio
retunes to next station which has not the same station (PI – Program Information) as the
last station, but has the TP information. When TP information gets lost at the current
station for retune time which is set by RETUNE SHORT (30 seconds) or RETUNE LONG (90
seconds), the radio starts to retune to next same PI station. When same PI station does
not catch in 1 cyclic search, the radio retunes to next station with TP information.
During searching the radio does not retune but the double beep sound (alarm) is output.
To determine the initial time of automatic TA (Traffic Announcement) search.
There are 2 modes: RETUNE L and RETUNE L.
- RETUNE L: 90 seconds.
- RETUNE S: 30 seconds.
Note: Retune mode is active for TA SEEK mode only.
MASK mode
During AF search, PI stations and non-RDS (Radio Data Station) stations with strong
signal will be masked, in the latter case, the non-RDS stations may cause interference,
resulting the real AF to be masked due to the misjudgment of the radio under
interference. Rotate the VOL knob to select the desired mode: MASK DPI and MASK ALL.
To mask only the AF with different PI.
To mask both PI and strong signal non-RDS station.