Opening the 3105 Attendant Console Label Cover 115
Security Wall-Mount
Every NBX 1102, 2101, 2102 and 2102-IR Telephone can be fitted with
an optional security wall-mount bracket that ensures that the device
cannot be removed by unauthorized persons. For how to order this
bracket, consult your 3Com NBX Voice-Authorized Partner. Read and
follow the instructions that come with the bracket.
Opening the 3105
Attendant Console
Label Cover
For instructions on how to create and print labels, see “Attendant
Console Labels” on page 48.
Figure 22 3105 Attendant Console Label Cover Tabs
Moving Your
All NBX Telephones have the Automatic Telephone Relocation feature.
Each telephone has a unique “address.” You can move your telephone to
another location, connect it to any Ethernet jack on the LAN, and still
maintain all of your personalized features, speed dials, and extension
Because your extension number and personal settings are associated with
your physical telephone, only your administrator can move phone
extension settings from one telephone to another.
After you print the
labels and then cut
them out, remove
the plastic cover
from the Attendant
Console by pulling
up on the two tabs
at the top of the
Attendant Console
until the top of the
cover pops off.