2101 Basic Telephone 37
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 30
3102 Business Telephone 18
software, Complement Attendant (CAS) 106
sound volume
1102, 2102, and 2102-IR Business Telephone 25
2101 Basic Telephone 37
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 31
3102 Business Telephone 20
Speaker button
1102, 2102, and 2102-IR Business
Telephones 25
3101SP Basic Telephone 31
3102 Business Telephone 19
speaker phone
1102, 2102, and 2102-IR Business
Telephones 25
3101SP Basic Telephone 31
3102 Business Telephone 19
problems with 117
using 60
volume 67
speed dials 70
One-Touch 73
personal speed dial numbers 71
printing lists of 74
problems with 117
system-wide speed dial numbers 72
status icons, 2101 Basic Telephone display panel 38
support bracket
1102, 2102, 2102-IR, security wall-mount 115
3101, 3102, 3105, attaching 111
tabs, Complement Attendant Software (CAS)
screens 106
telephone icons, 2101 Basic Telephone display
panel 56
telephone line on multiple telephone, security 85
telephone maintenance 109
telephone number, for Off-site notification 76
telephone support brackets, 3101 and 3102 111
cleaning 116
connecting 109
mounting, 3101 and 3102 111
moving and swapping 115
time-of-day calling restrictions 79
toll calls, preventing others from dialing 80
tone dialing 98
tones, ringer selection 70
Transfer button
1102, 2102, and 2102-IR Business
Telephones 25
1105 Attendant Console 104
2101 Basic Telephone 37
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 33
3102 Business Telephone 19
3105 Attendant Console 103
transferring calls 63
introduction 109
list of possible problems 116
unauthorized use of telephone, preventing 79
urgent messages 51
user, definition 10
voice mail
accessing through e-mail 52
changing your password 41
components 40
creating messages 48
forwarding 47
greeting-only mailbox 52
group mailboxes 53
indicators 43
initializing 13
listening remotely 44
listening to messages 42
maximum message length 40
password security tips 41
personal group lists, creating and modifying 50
private messages 51
problems with 116
replying to 46
retrieving from a remote location 44
sending 48
setting up 13
urgent messages 51
volume control buttons
1102, 2102, and 2102-IR Business Telephone 25
2101 Basic Telephone 37
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 31
3102 Business Telephone 20
volume settings
handset 67
headset 67
ringer tone 67