Configuration Procedure # Enable MAC authentication for port Ethernet 1/0/2.
<3Com> system-view
[3Com] mac-authentication interface Ethernet 1/0/2
# Specify the MAC authentication username type as MAC address and the MAC
address format as with-hyphen.
[3Com] mac-authentication authmode usernameasmacaddress usernameform
at with-hyphen
# Create a local user account.
■ Specify the username and password.
[3Com] local-user 00-0d-88-f6-44-c1
[3Com-luser-00-0d-88-f6-44-c1] password simple 00-0d-88-f6-44-c1
■ Set the service type to lan-access.
[3Com-luser-00-0d-88-f6-44-c1] service-type lan-access
[3Com-luser-00-0d-88-f6-44-c1] quit
# Create an ISP domain named aabbcc.net.
[3Com] domain aabbcc.net
New Domain added.
# Configure domain aabbcc.net to perform local authentication.
[3Com-isp-aabbcc.net] scheme local
[3Com-isp-aabbcc.net] quit
# Specify aabbcc.net as the ISP domain for MAC authentication.
[3Com] mac-authentication domain aabbcc.net
# Enable MAC authentication globally.
[3Com] mac-authentication
After configuring the above command, your MAC authentication configuration
will take effect immediately, and Only the user with the MAC address of
00-0d-88-f6-44-c1 is allowed to access the Internet through port Ethernet 1/0/2.
Note that enabling authentication globally is usually the last step in configuring
access control related features. Otherwise, valid users may be denied access to the
networks because of incomplete configuration.
Complete Configuration
domain default enable aabbcc.net
MAC-authentication domain aabbcc.net
MAC-authentication authmode usernameasmacaddress usernameformat wit
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