Configuring User-Defined ACLs 213
■ With the Switch 5500/5500G, for a user-defined ACL to be assigned
successfully, the maximum length of a user-defined rule string is 32 bytes. The
string may or may not contain spaces, and can occupy up to eight mask offset
units. Besides, any two offset units cannot belong to the same offset group.
■ For example, assuming that you configure ACL 5000, specifying a 32-byte rule
string, a rule mask of all Fs, and an offset of 4 and then apply the ACL to
Ethernet 1/0/1. In this case, the 32-byte rule string occupies eight offset units:
4 to 7 (Offset2), 8 to 11 (Offset3), 12 to 15 (Offset4), 16 to 19 (Offset5), 20 to
23 (Offset1), 24 to 27 (Offset7), 28 to 31 (Offset8), and 32 to 35 (Offset6), as
shown in Table 2. The rule can be assigned successfully.
■ If you configure ACL 5001, specifying a 32-byte rule string, a rule mask of all
Fs, and an offset of 24 and then apply the ACL to Ethernet 1/0/1: In this case,
the 32-byte rule string does not comply with the rule that a user-defined rule
string can contain up to eight mask offset units and any two offset units
cannot belong to the same offset. The ACL cannot be assigned.
The common protocol types and their offsets are listed in the following table.
Table 2 Offset units of a user-defined rule string
Offset unit
Offset1 Offset2 Offset3 Offset4 Offset5 Offset6 Offset7 Offset8
0 to 3 4 to 7 8 to 11 12 to 15 16 to 19 20 to 23 24 to 27 28 to 31
2 to 5 6 to 9 10 to 13 14 to 17 18 to 21 22 to 25 26 to 29 30 to 33
6 to 9 10 to 13 14 to 17 18 to 21 22 to 25 26 to 29 30 to 33 34 to 37
12 to 15 16 to 19 20 to 23 24 to 27 28 to 31 32 to 35 36 to 39 40 to 43
20 to 23 24 to 27 28 to 31 32 to 35 36 to 39 40 to 43 44 to 47 48 to 51
30 to 33 34 to 37 38 to 41 42 to 45 46 to 49 50 to 53 54 to 57 58 to 61
42 to 45 46 to 49 50 to 53 54 to 57 58 to 61 62 to 65 66 to 69 70 to 73
56 to 59 60 to 63 64 to 67 68 to 71 72 to 75 76 to 79 0 to 3 4 to 7
Protocol type
Protocol number
Offset for
Switch 5500s
Offset for
Switch 5500s
Offset for
ARP 0x0806 16 20 20
RARP 0x8035 16 20 20
IP 0x0800 16 20 20
IPX 0x8137 16 20 20
AppleTalk 0x809B 16 20 20
ICMP 0x01 27 31 31
IGMP 0x02 27 31 31
TCP 0x06 27 31 31
UDP 0x17 27 31 31