■ Release Notes
These notes provide information about the current software release,
including new features, modifications, and known problems. The
Release Notes are supplied in hard copy with your Switch.
Accessing Online
To access the documentation on the CD-ROM supplied with your Switch,
do the following:
1 Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If your PC has auto-run
enabled, a splash screen will be displayed automatically.
2 Select the Documentation section from the contents page.
If the online documentation is to be accessed from a local drive or server,
you will need to access the CD-ROM contents via the root directory and
copy the files from the CD-ROM to a suitable directory.
■ The PDF Command Reference Guide is stored in the Docs directory on
the CD-ROM.
■ The PDF Configuration Guide is stored in the Docs directory of the
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Part Number DUA1756-1AAA01
SuperStack 3 Switch 4500 Family Getting Started Guide
Page 21