Now please start transfer file with XMODEM protocol
If you want to exit, Press <Ctrl+X>
5 As the file is downloading, start the XModem send file process with
terminal emulation software, such as Microsoft HyperTerminal.
When the download is complete, the following information is displayed:
Please input the file attribute (main/backup/none):none
6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 for each of the remaining files.
Bootrom Upgrade This section describes how to indicate which file the Switch is to boot
from once the software has been loaded.
1 From the Boot menu, select option 2 to display the following:
Select applicaton file to boot:
1. set application file to boot
2. set configuration files
3. set web files
0. return
Enter your choice (0-3):
2 Select option 2 to display a file list similar to the following:
Boot menu choice: 2
Free Space: 10491904 bytes
The current application file is s3n03_01_00s168.app
(*)-with main attribute;(b)-with backup attribute
(*b)-with both main and backup attribute
Please input the file number to change:
An asterisk (*) indicates the current main boot file.
A similar screen will be displayed for the configuration files and the web
In each case, the file is given the attribute “main” or “backup”
File Number File Size(bytes) File Name
1(*) 4649088 s3n03_01_00s168.app