Percent (%) Command Set
If the call is under MNP5 data compression, destructive breaks cause both
modems to reset their data compression tables. When transmission
resumes, the modems build new tables, and the result is lower-than-
normal throughput.
Percent (%)
Command Set
&Y0 Destructive, don't send break.
Destructive, expedited.
&Y2 Nondestructive, expedited.
&Y3 Nondestructive, unexpedited; the modem sends a
break-in-sequence with data received from your
computer or terminal.
Command Function
&Zn=s Store up to 10 numbers in NVRAM, where n is the position 0-9 in
NVRAM, and s is the phone number string. The number string may
be up to 36 characters long, including any Dial command options.
In the following example, &M0 (no error control) is inserted before
the Dial command:
This command functions differently when Dial Security is enabled.
Also, do not include modem settings in the &Zn string. If the call
requires a special setting, insert it in the command string before the DSn
&Zn=L Stores the last-dialed number in position n.
&Zn? Display the phone number stored in NVRAM at position n (where n
= 0-9).
&ZC=s Store command string s in NVRAM. The command string can be up
to 30 characters long; spaced do not count. This command is used
so you can call another modem without loading your
communications software.
&ZC? Display the stored command string.
Command Function
Command Function
%$ Display the help panels for the percent (%) command set.