Technical Specifications
Serial Ports
Most computers provide a DB-25 or DB-9 port that conforms to the
EIA-232 standard. If you are connecting your Business Modem to a
Macintosh computer, see the section For Macintosh Computers.
This feature Supports
Supported serial port
230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800,
2400, 1200, and 300 bps
Adaptive Speed
Leveling (ASL)
21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, and
4800 bps
Serial port connector DB-25
Full- or half- duplex on 2-wire phone lines; demand-driven
high-speed turnaround in HST mode; symmetrical speeds in
Data format Binary, serial; defaults to 8-bit word length, no parity, and
1 stop bit.
Word Length Parity (1 Bit) Stop Bits
7 Even, odd, mark, space 1
7 None 2
8 None 1
Flow Control Buffers Variable sizes
Command Buffer 56 characters, excluding the AT prefix, Carriage Return,
and spaces
Test Options Remote digital loopback, digital loopback, test pattern, and
dial test
Failed Call Timeout 60 second default, programmable 2-255 sec.
Answer Tone Timeout 60 seconds
Answer Tone Detector 2080-2120 Hz
Loss of Carrier
(Disconnect Timer)
0.7 second default, programmable 0.2-25.5 sec.
Equalization Adaptive
Receive Sensitivity - 43 dBm + 2 dBm
Transmit Level - 9 dBm maximum
Transmitter Frequency
Certification FCC Part 68 Part 15, Class B Domestic; IC (Canada) CS-03,
UL listed
Ringer equivalence 0.4b